Serving Students with Learning Differences Since 1969
Campaign Plan in Detail
Phase 1 of our plan involves the creation of the Transition Building. Here we will house our three classes of high school students as well as our new transition program. Students who have graduated from Morning Star will be able to continue their education in a safe and structured environment.
This view is the front of the building.
As you can see there is a plan for many windows allowing for natural light to permeate throughout the building and classrooms.
Our new facility will allow for the students to continue to grow and learn about how to take care of themselves into adulthood.
PHASE 2 will include more enhancements for the overall campus.
Our first goal is to redesign the entrance and exit of the school for better drop-off and pickup flow. We will have a larger area for the cars to pull in and the students to enter the vehicles. We are going to expand the parking situation to allow for easier entry of both students and parents. The entire school area will also be gated to allow for greater security both during school and outside of school hours.Outside activity is an important part of all of our students day and the expansion of play areas, while still being protected, is certainly a primary focus at Morning Star School.The plan includes expanding the office area to be more centrailized in the new school layout and allow for new covered walking between all the buildings. Fewer entry and exit points for the campus help with our vision of keeping the students safe. When completed, Morning Star Catholic School will be a complete facility including education for students Kindergarten – 22 years old.