Support Services

Speech and language therapy is offered during the school day to help students with a variety of disorders such as auditory processing, apraxia, articulation, fluency and receptive and expressive skills.  Mrs. Maureen Rocha is our part-time Speech- Language Pathologist. Ms. Micah Bubolz is our full-time Speech-Language Pathologist Assistant.

Ms. Cassie Hunt is our full-time Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant working under the direction of Mrs. Morgan Curtis, licensed Occupational Therapist. Ms. Hunt provides on-site Occupational Therapy throughout the school day. Services are provided to children needing assistance with fine and gross motor skills.

Ms. Amaya Stamm is a Board Certified Music Therapist and a multi-instrumental music instructor who conducts music therapy classes with our students once a week.

Ms. Catherine Colby is the school’s certified guidance counselor.  The Morning Star guidance curriculum includes a wide range of topics designed to enhance student’s social and emotional learning.

Morning Star School offers an Extended Day Program located on the school campus. It is available to students registered at Morning Star School. The program runs from dismissal until 5:30 p.m. each school day.  The fees for the program are as follows:

  • Registration:  $25.00
  • Weekly Rate:  $50.00
  • Drop-In Rate:  $15.00 per day
  • Late Pick-up Fee:  The program ends each day at 5:30 p.m.