Morning Star Catholic School will manage all accounts using the FACTS Management System. All families are required to create a FACTS account for tuition management.
Tuition and Fees for 2024-2025
Registration Fee (per new Student) – $350.00
Tuition – $15,240.00
Morning Star School offers an Extended Day Program located on the school campus. It is available to students registered at Morning Star School. The program runs from dismissal until 5:30 p.m. each school day (unless otherwise noted). The fees for the program are as follows:
- Registration: $25.00
- Weekly Rate: $50.00
- Drop-In Rate: $15.00 per day
***Late Pick-up Fee: The program ends each day at 5:30p.m. A late fee of $1.00 per minute per child will be incurred for every minute tardy after the program closes.